Wave: BB, 情人節快樂!
Wave: BB, Happy Valentine's day!
This series of photo is for celebrating Valentine's Day,I took this with my husband's Zepeto doll.
Start from this article, I will add english translation below each paragraph of chinese text, so that can let more different countries of readers can understand. I will try my best to translate, although my english is not very well.
{我的Facebook帳戶是 Little Cat (Click it)}
{Zepeto ID: VHHP5V,歡迎加我}
{IG : bbcat923}
Little Cat: 多謝BB, 我最愛這個朱古力!
Little Cat: Thanks BB, I love this chocolate!
Wave: 來跳支舞吧!
Wave: Let's Dance!
Wave: 小貓,請你嫁比我啦!雖然我未有錢買鑽石戒子,但我會努力工作照顧你一生一世!
Wave: Little Cat, please marry me! Although I still have not enough money to buy a diamond ring for you, but I promise I will work hard and take care of you forever!
Little Cat: 我願意!
Little Cat: I Do!
Then they go for a romantic walk.
Little Cat: BB~~.....
Wave: 做咩事呀?
Wave: What?
The End.